Recent Successes

Frank Bruno, Boxing Legend and Former World Heavyweight
Champion boxer Frank Bruno, who turned to WTS to write his life story.

"WTS Media and I have now worked together for nearly a decade.
There's no-one better I could wish to have in my corner."

Recent Successes

"WTS Media has helped me navigate through the at times
wonderfully messy media world. I'd recommend anyone
else in a similar situation to get in touch."

Apprentice finalist and entrepreneur Lewis Ellis

Recent Successes

"WTS Media has helped us to improve people's lives.
Their boundless enthusiasm shines through. They've helped
us put the issue of supporting emergency workers on the news agenda."

Laura Hyde Foundation

If you have a story, picture or video to sell then we can help you secure the best price and coverage. We place content with newspapers, magazines, websites, tv channels and publishers.

Visit our Contact us page to tell us a bit more about your story. Someone will be in touch within 24 hours.



What people who buy our stories say

Rebecca Twomey, news editor at Closer Magazine

“When it comes to selling stories WTS Media are among the best in the business.  They know the content we want and always put their clients first in the deals they do”

James Mellor, News Editor of the Mail on Sunday

“WTS are hugely experienced and understand the industry and how to deliver scoops”

Matt Bell, News Editor the Sun on Sunday

“WTS is a highly-valued contact who regularly provide The Sun with exclusive stories. They are straight-forward, honest and excellent to work with.”